5 Awesome and Free Windows Apps You Should Use in 2022

Do you use a Windows computer? Here are 5 awesome and free apps you should use in 2022

31. Dec 2021
5 Awesome and Free Windows Apps You Should Use in 2022

Do you use a windows computer?

Here are 5 awesome and free apps you should use in 2022!

1. IrfanView is a lightweight and very fast image viewer for Windows. We use this application because it is way faster than the default Windows Photos app. It is simple but powerful. 



2. Everything: Everything is another free and lightweight application that allows you search all the files on your computer rapidly. Give it a try and you'd fall in love with it



3. EarTrumpet: This application gives you more control over the audio output of your Windows computer. With this app, you can set different volumes for every sound producing program on your computer.



4. File Converter: This is a utility program you should have. It helps you to convert your files to different formats e.g. Png to pdf.



5. Klavaro: Klavaro is an application that helps you improve your typing efficiency and speed.



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