Star Plus Batteries's profile
Register date: October 11, 2022
Ikorodu 102215, Lagos, Nigeria
85, Ikorodu Road, Lagos, Nigeria., Lagos
User Description
Star Plus Batteries is always on the cutting edge of technology and has helped the company become the leader in the field of automotive battery manufacturers in Nigeria.
"Times New Roman"">Tubular plate Lead acid batteries consist of positive and
negative plates. Both these ends have their respective shapes. While the
positive plates have tubular shape elements, the negatives are usually
"Times New Roman"">The positive plates of tubular batteries retain
active chemical components. These provide extra support to the appliance.
The tubular support structure around the reactive chemical ensures the
receptive element stays in place. The dealers use these items for use as
inverter batteries in tier two and three metropolitan cities. However,
batteries for inverters for home uses are usually bigger in comparison to flat
plate batteries.